Miss Circle, the scarriest one of them all. Yet somehow it's evident she is just a big softy on the inside. She is ruthless, murderous, and wants to clearly kill every single student in the school. She spends her days, roaming the halls, teaching her class, and killing. It's clear out favorite cannibal teacher has some problems, but is her dark and murderous side really able to hide what she truly is on the inside? Recently it's been brought to our attention, that here at BTL have nothing to worry about, our anominimity has given us immunity to anything we may have been gotten in trouble for, but have it known, we're here in the school! Miss Circle, not only is part pine tree, but part cat! Our person on the inside has given us evidence of her having a talk with Miss Bloomie, and clearly she has a yarn ball addiction, even meowing. Not only this, but Miss Circle and Miss Bloomie kiss!

While the footage is encrypted, and were we only able to extract the audio, we can give the captions below of the entire talk.
"- on't know, I really try to hide it, but I feel like it's too much, I might have to take a week off of teaching" Says Circle.
"Listen, It doesn't matter, I promise I'll be here to help . . . whats even bother you that much Miss Circle?" Asks Bloomie.
"Yarn Balls . . . okay it's yarn balls, I love them so god damn much, I . . . keep meowing too when I play with them, I throw them around, and . . . yeah" Admits Circle.
"Well . . . heh, I can help with that . . . I have a lot of yarn balls, since I usually go to cat cafe's often. So just lean down!" Says Bloomie.
"Okay . . . I guess, thanks Bloomie" Circle said, leaning down.
After this exchange, the sound of a kiss is heard, it's clear Miss Bloomie had kissed Miss CIrcle.
"Lets uh, get back t-to class, the bells gonna ring soon" Said a flustered Circle.
"Alright t-then, have a good d-day!" Said Bloomie.
After this they would run off, ending the recording. It's clear now that Miss Circle, is just a big softie! So lets ask, is she really that deadly? No I don't think so, I say we all bring yarn balls tomorrow! See it as a harmless prank. Thank you for reading Paper School, this has been Larice from Between the Lines! Follow for more, as we have a lot more secrets to expose!
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